Saturday, June 18, 2022

smol selfie (ówò;)

 um, hullo, it's me again. i didnt share a photo of myself last post so im  here today, trying to share one,, ó^ò um,, this is me. im very scared about sharing this but its not fully me so its oki,, i feel kinda awkward now, so ill be heading back out. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Groovy Beaded Curtains


Hi, it's me again! I got to redecorate and ohmyflowers, I found the most adorable beads ever! I thought about stringing them up and look! It's like a curtain of sorts? I'm in love. I showed Lanette and she's also beyond amazed. She keeps playing with them so I might make her one for her cottage! Aha! So much to do, such little time. I just wanted to pop in for a second and now, back to work making more beaded curtains. Anyways, this was Cherry, "signing off"! 

Monday, May 16, 2022



hello, i'm peony. it's a pleasure to be able to type on here and interact with others, finally. i wanted to introduce myself as ive been too shy to do so in real life,, as well as had too much bad luck. anywho, im a gardener and plant many types of flowers. i plant from lilies and daisies, to gardenias and roses. that being said, my favourite will forever be bluebells. i uh, i have a really bad cough happening and i think i better go now, it was a pleasure. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

April Showers , Bring May Flowers

 Hi . I was exploring The Gardens , and I noticed a weird cottage ? I called out to it , but I got yelled at by a strange voice . It seemed depressed and sore ? It seemed distressed  while not wanting anyone near by . I might come by another day and bring them a peace offering . Hopefully , I can try to help them feel more okay with me around . I'll go leave them a small note and something sweet every day. ( - Mirto )

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Mini Update

 Hi! It's been a small while and i deeply apologize for that. I've been trying to hang out with Nyn a lot more and I think he was rubbing off on me? I began to go out and try to learn more about him and his likes. Nyn has been into an interesting amount of movies and ohmyflowers, it's been one heck of a time trying to catch up! Ha! I'm so ready to finish off with these movies. Alright, I believe I'm going to go out and watch one of the movies. I'll check in soon when I've caught up completely! This was Cherry, "signing off"!

smol selfie (ówò;)

 um, hullo, it's me again. i didnt share a photo of myself last post so im  here today, trying to share one,, ó^ò um,, this is me. im ve...